Shonan Meetings
Attended Shonan meetings #:70, 99, 191, 194, 192, 176,
I have been hosting some Shonan Meetings #: 207, 222
International Workshop on Intertwining Research & Education on Software (WIREDS)
Software powers our everyday lives. The First International Workshop on Intertwining Research & Education on Software (WIREDS2024) is a pioneering initiative designed to bridge the gap between research and education within the Japanese software community to bring top class research to the global community.
International Workshop on BRIdging the Divides with Globally Engineered Software (BRIDGES)
I have also active in promoting Software Engineering to the emerging countries. In 2019, We organized a workshop for Software Engineering in the Pacific.
International Collaborations
My research is not complete without different perspectives from top researchers. University of Melbourne (Australia), University of Waterloo (Canada), Ecole de techologie superieure Montreal (Canada), McGill University (Canada), Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain) to name a few.
University Projects
Osaka Univ. Projects
- Internships Programs with International Universities We have built collaborations with Mahidol University, Kasetsart University, Chiang Mai, Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Indonesia, and University of Technology in Papua New Guinea
NAIST Projects
PBL Programs (2020~) I have been involved in Program Based Learning for master students. We have entered a programming contest, written registered reports and created a curriculum for high school students.
High School Internship Program (2021~) We provided an opportunity for high school students to learn advanced research topics in research. The outcome was students learning basic programming in Python and the ability to build algorithms to play the Othello game.
Internships Programs with International Universities We have built collaborations with Mahidol University, Kasetsart University, Chiang Mai, which has results in students that have become members of the laboratory. Recently have been working with Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Indonesia, and University of Technology in Papua New Guinea to start-up their internship programs.
My Community Service
- SIGSOFT Information Director (2018–2024) Link
- Steering Committee for International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC 2023–2026) Link
- SIGSOFT CARES Committee Member Link
- IEEE TSE Social Media Editorial Board Member (2023–) Link
- Springer Empirical Engineering Editoral Board Member (2019 –) Link
- Journal of Software and Systems Editorial Member (2019) Link
- IEEE Society Member
- ACM Member
- IPSJ Society Member
My Grants
PI A Social Developer Digital Footprint for Skills Proficiency: Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
PI AI Detection of Protestware: JST - ReNewMAP (Researcher New-mode Mobility Accelerator Program)
Co-PI Fundamental and Innovative Technologies for Next-Generation Software Ecosystems: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S)
Co-PI Develping Infrastructure for Software Ecosystem Analysis Using SPDX: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Co-PI Evaluation of Risk and Soundness of Open Source Software: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)
My Student Co-Supervision since 2018
Graduated (15)
Co-supervisor, on committee for the doctoral course students (10): Saya Onoue (2019), Toshiki Hirao (2020), Shade Ruangwan (2020), Yusuf Sulistyo Nugroho (2020), Bodin Chinthanet (2021), Keitaro Nakasai (2021), Dong Wang (2022), Syful Islam (2022), Yuki Ueda (2022), Pattaraporn Tulathum (2022), Supavas Sitthithanasakul (2023), Supatsara Wattanakriengkrai (2024), Ifraz Rehman (2024), Tao Xiao (2024), Fan Youmei (2025)
Current 2025 (5)
Current doctoral course students that I co-supervise: Ani Hovhannisiyan, Ruksit Rojpaisarnkit, Jaisri Pongchai, Lenz Neritz, Indira Febriyanti
Summary of my teaching in NAIST. I currently teach two classes:
(2018~2022). Fundamentals of Programming (プログラミング演習 (3002)). First, we taught the C programming language, but since 2019, we started teaching the Python programing language for beginners. My class introduces the how to use Python third-party libraries (PyPI) in their more advanced classes.
(2018~) Software Engineering course (ソフトウェア工学 (4006)). I teach three classes of Software Engineering fundamentals, related to Software Management using software repositories, software documentation and communication, and then trends in Software Engineering research and Open-Source Software.