You can see my full publication lists at Google Scholar, DBLP, and researchmap
- Kula, R. G. (2024, July). The Ever-Evolving Promises of Data in Software Ecosystems: Models, AI, and Analytics (Keynote). In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Predictive Models and Data Analytics in Software Engineering (pp. 1-1).
- Raula Gaikovina Kula, “To Sustain a Smart, Dependent and Social Software Ecosystem (Mini-Keynote),” 2021 Mining Software Repositories Conference, Online, 19 May 2021.
Invited International Talks
- Raula Gaikovina Kula, What do we know about Libraries and Their Dependencies? Never Work in Theory, April 25th 2023.
- Raula Gaikovina Kula, Intelligent Software Updates: Leveraging the Software Ecosystem to Support when to update library dependencies,” Polytechnique Montréal, Canada, 13 March 2020.
- Raula Gaikovina Kula, “Intelligent Software Updates: Software Ecosystem Support for library updates,” Queens University, Canada., 10 March 2020.
- Raula Gaikovina Kula, “Intelligent Software Updates: Leveraging the Software Ecosystem to Support when to update library dependencies,” Invited talk for Montreal SE Community, École de technologie supérieure Montreal, Canada, 6 February 2020
- Raula Gaikovina Kula, “Intelligent Software Updates: Software Ecosystem Support to update library dependencies,” Concordia University, Canada, 5 February 2020
Tutorial Talks
- Asia Pacific Young Researchers Track: SANER2019, “Intelligent Software Updates: Leveraging the Software Ecosystem to Support when to update library dependencies,” 24th-27th February 2019.
- “Intelligent Software Updates: Software Ecosystem Support for library updates,” Mahidol University, Thailand, 3rd November 2018.
- NAIST and Thailand Symposium, “Short-term Internship Projects in Software Engineering: Experience, Outcomes and Perspectives”, Kasetsart University, Thailand, 3rd November 2018.
- The 56th CREST Open Workshop (Code Review and Continuous Inspection/Integration), “The Work Space of a Reviewer in Modern Code Review”, London, England, 2017.
- SES SIGSE2017 - Special International Track on Software Analytics - “On Updating Library Dependencies in OSS Projects”, Tokyo, Japan, 2017
Published Datasets
To promote Open Science, our research group, in collaboration with our partners, consistently strives to make our datasets available. Here is a summary of the datasets, and the different publications associated with them.
18 million links in commit messages: purpose, evolution, and decay -
. The dataset contains 18,201,165 links from commits in 23,110 GitHub repositories.
Understanding the role of external pull requests in the NPM ecosystem -
, GitHub repo
Does the first response matter for future contributions? A study of first contributions GitHub repo
Understanding the Role of Images on Stack Overflow - Anon 4 Open Science
Intertwining Communities: Exploring Libraries that Cross Software Ecosystems -