

この度はご修了おめでとうございます.大学院で学んだことや,研究活動を通して得た知識と経験を活かして,皆様が益々のご活躍をお祈り致します. Congratulations on your graduation. We wish you continued success in your studies and in the knowledge and experience you have gained through your research activities.

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石尾 隆 准教授,Bodin Chinthanet特任助教のご栄転をお祝いしました.

この度はご栄転おめでとうございます.今後はさらに責任あるお立場に就かれ,益々多忙となられることと存じますが,体調にご留意され,新天地でのなお一層のご活躍をお祈り申し上げます. Congratulations on your new position. Hope you will be in a more responsible position and will be busier than ever, but please take good care of yourself. Wish you continued success in your new position.

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